Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^UnderstandingBach$
Year : 2016
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Max number of results shown : 300
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Shabalina, TatianaActivities around the Composer's Desk: The Roles of Bach and his Copyists in Parody Production. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 9-38
2. Owens, SamanthaMusic via Correspondence: A List of the Music Collection of Dresden Kreuzorganist Emanuel Benisch. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 39-56
3. Stockigt, Janice B.The Music of Leipzig's Royal Catholic Chapel during the Reign of August II. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 57-66
4. Siegele, UlrichOn J. S. Bach's Compositional Technique. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 67-82
5. Fazekas, GergelyThe Conflict of Symmetrical Form and Text Settings by J. S. Bach. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 83-105
6. Brookshire, BradleyEdwin Fischer's Bach-Pianism in Context. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 107-127
7. Frampton, AndrewA Copyist of Bach and Zelenka: Identifying the Scribes of GB-Ob, MS Tenbury 749. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 131-139
8. Cressy, ThomasThe Case of Bach and Japan: Some Concepts and their Possible Significance. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 140-146
9. Tatlow, RuthA Glorious Summer Meeting: the 2015 Dialogue Report. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 149-152

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita